Since my election to the NC Senate in 2010, serving the people has been my top priority. I know what it takes to create jobs and I will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that every North Carolinian has access to employment. The most important step to creating jobs is ensuring limited government interference in the creation and growth of businesses. Small businesses are the job-creating engine of our economy. I will continue to fight to cut unnecessary regulations and high tax rates so we can keep growing our small businesses and get people back to work.
From 2000-2010, our state government spending grew at an alarming rate and out of control. As your senator I have worked hard to cut wasteful spending and balance a state budget that started with a projected $2.5 billion dollar deficit. We’ve now put our state’s fiscal house in order and now have budget surpluses rather than deficits.
Voter ID
In 2018 I voted for the Voter ID amendment to the North Carolina state constitution, and you the people overwhelmingly approved it at the ballot box. Yet, Democrats are trying to get liberal judges to overturn the will of the people and block implementation of Voter ID. This is a blatant attack on the rule of law, and I will continue to fight for the integrity of our elections.
Sanctity of Life
Human life is precious and worthy of protection from conception to natural death. I am proud to be endorsed by NC Right to Life, which defends these values within our state. I oppose taxpayer-funded abortion and will defend the right to life at every stage, from the unborn children to the elderly. I was proud to support the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act that protected babies that survived botched abortions.
When I was first elected North Carolina had the highest corporate and personal income tax rates in the Southeast. This killed job growth and hurt our working families. Now, we have one of the lowest tax rates in the region and are consistently ranked by the Tax Foundation as having one of the best tax climates in the country.
Second Amendment
The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees law-abiding citizens the right to possess and bear arms. I have an “A” rating from the NRA and have fought to protect our Second Amendment rights against those who wish to restrict them. I worked to pass a Castle Doctrine—among the best in the nation—to ensure that citizens have the right to defend themselves in their homes and businesses.
Our schools must be centers of learning excellence, where we prepare our students, not only for future employment, but to become productive citizens of our State and Nation. We cannot achieve excellence by spending more money on the status quo; we must reform education to develop a passion for learning in our students. In the NC Senate I will continue working to improve our education system by giving parents more control in educating their children, rewarding the success of outstanding teachers, and holding schools accountable for academic results. We must ensure that our children are proficient readers by the third grade, increase our high school graduation rates, and make sure that college-bound high school graduates don't require remedial courses to compete on the college level. Our students are the future of North Carolina, and we must provide them with the academic and vocational skills they need to succeed.
We have a crisis on our border that is getting worse by the day. We are the land of opportunity, and many want to come here to start a new life - but they must do so legally. I will fight to overturn the laws which have gutted enforcement of our illegal immigration statues. I oppose offering government benefits or in-state tuition at NC community colleges to illegal aliens. I will make sure local law enforcement has the tools, the authority, and the support that they need and deserve.